Perjumpaan pihak pengurusan Efektif Minda Wawasan dan Tan Sri Dato' Hew See Tong

Alhamdulillah, Today I am so grateful to be like him. It was so much great and interesting stories about him. Thank you Tan Sri Dato' Hew See Tong for your time and wonderful stories even in 5 minutes. We have one thing in common EDUCATION.

Anak- anak pelajar sekalian, this is what Tan Sri Dato' told me this morning,

" education provides the key for individual to move up the social and economic ladder. It also brings about the advancement and expansion of the knowledge base of human capital that is much needed for nation building. The pivotal role that education plays in helping the country to achieve the development nation status has been much emphasis by the our government " .

Tan Sri simple biodata

Tan Sri Dato' Hew See Tong started off as a tin miner until the late of 1890s, when he ventured into property development and construction businesses. He was also an elected member of the Parliament for 3 terms from 1995 to 2008 for the Kampar constituency. His passion for education drives him to sit on board of various Chinese Schools, Chinese Associations and is presently an adviser to the planning & development committee of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman. He believes that the only way to move a nation forward is through education.



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