Just Think About it

Assalamualaikum semua,

Semakin hari...... kita akan bosan membuat perkara yang sama berulang-ulang namun tiada kehidupan lain untuk disumbat kelainan dan akhirnya hanya mampu mengeluh..... untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini maka kita lihat apa yang telah berlaku kelmarin..... atau disebut dalam bahasa inggeris sebagai yesterday..... a man should never be ashamed to own that he has been in the wrong, which is but saying.... that he is wiser today than yesterday.

All we can do is be better prepared today than yesterday and better prepared tomorrow than today.....
anyone who limits his or her vision to memories of yesterday is already dead .... don't let yesterday use up too much for today .... fear .... is forward ..... no one is afraid of yesterday ...... I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then.

Once Ptolemy and Plato ...... yesterday Newton ..... today Einstein ....... and tomorrow new faiths ..... new beliefs ..... and new dimensions .... Yesterday I dared to struggle ...... Today I dared to win ..... Yesterday is a history.... Tomorrow is a mystery ...... today is Allah swt's gift ..... that's why we call it the present .... Enjoy your life today .......



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