Ramadhan day 04


It's the 4th day of Ramadhan! Have you been doing your tarawikh prayers? If you haven't, start tonight after your Isya' prayers!

And if you have, WELL DONE! ♥ ♥ ♥

The tarawikh prayers began at our beloved Prophet Muhammad's time, and later brought up again by Caliph Umar. Eventhough tarawikh is optional, tawarikh is ONLY available for 30 nights! If you are a wise Muslim, you surely wouldn't miss to grab that chance! :D

Tarawikh simply means "to rest and relax", so it's not meant to be done in a hurry or rushed matter. Also, focus on the QUALITY, and not the quantity!

If you are living with a group of friends; why not ask your fellow Muslim brothers to the mosque with you to perform the tawarikh prayers? Surely you can spend a couple of hours to pray rather than wasting time on the net or watching a movie?

If you need MOTIVATION to perform the tarawikh, remember this;
- Tarawikh is a special prayer!
- By doing tarawikh, you are loved and blessed by Allah, hence Paradise is waiting for you insyallah.

Note: Tarawikh is not only done at the first week of Ramadhan, but THROUGHOUT Ramadhan! So commit yourself to tawarikh till the end of the holy month :)


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