Ramadhan day 5


There are many good deeds that can be done by righteous Muslims and one of it is to provide meal (iftar) for your fasting family members, friends or other fellow Muslims!

Say, if you are breaking fast with a group of friends. Why not be the one to pay for your friends' meals?

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad said:
“Whoever offers meal to his/her Muslim brother/sister at the time of iftar (the meal eaten by Muslims breaking their fast after sunset during the month of Ramadan), s/he receives as much reward as s/he has earned. Nothing becomes less of the reward of those s/he offered meal to.” (Hadith Tarmidhee)

This simply means that if your fasting friends consume the food you provide, you will also get the same amount of pahala/reward of theirs, WITHOUT any decrement of their rewards!

It's a simple, yet AWESOME way to gain more rewards for your Ramadhan bank! ♥ ♥

Iftar meals can be anything, including tamar (kurma/ date fruit) or a sip of water!

Iftar is also a chance for you to help the poor, so do not hesitate to do this good deed! :) It is also a good way to strengthen sillaturahim, love and friendship among Muslims ♥

So the next time you're with your family or friends... provide iftar for them and get rewarded by Allah, insyaAllah ♥


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